
Traces is a business application designed to optimize your sales productivity and
track performance of your team. Get real time updates on your team's result and
location. No hassle no separate devices needed for your team to sign in and tag
customers' location. Traces is currently available only for ANDROID user.
However, you can check on your team on any computer or mobile devices,

Traces' rich graphical user interface makes it easy and quick to learn and use,
there's virtually no learning curve. Your data is secured and hosted with world's
best cloud database management system from GOOGLE so sensitive customer
proprietary information will be safe and always backed up.

What are the benefits of using Traces Systems?

Sales Organization:
Keep track of Attendance, Monitor Performance, Effective Work hours, Summary
Report and Sales Ranking for sense of achievement

Customer Database:
Keep track of Actual customer outlet location, visitation frequencies and

Who can use and get benefit from using Traces

Sales Executives/Team and Sales Leaders, Shop Owners with Business
Development Teams, Small Businesses with Mobile Sales Teams

Traces Main Module

Register New Outlet

Register Sales Order
Other Tools and Report

Outlet Visitation

Traces Monitor


Salesman LeaderBoard

Tracking System

Monitor Attendance

Monitor Outlet Data

Monitor Visitation